Image Creation


Have you ever wanted to do something but didn’t want to figure it all out? “THIS IS A TEST” is a series of books, zines, and PDFs designed to help you with your photography.

At present, I have two offerings for the photographer who wants to self-publish B&W or Color photographs using print-on-demand. I use presently, so I made these “tests” so you could learn from them. Click each for a full description. These publications will help you figure out what your publication will look like, before you have your publication printed. They answer the question, “What if I saved my file this way? What if I siloutted my image? What if I printed a snowy scene on a white background?” and much, much more.

You can also download a free sample of each.


Blurb For Photographers

Blurb For Photographers

Blurb for Photographers Using Adobe InDesign, Lightroom, and Photoshop The best tips for self-publishing your photography book using...

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